My Work





Who Is
Jane Singer?
Smooth, silky, sophisticated; real, corporate to quirky, to New Yawky; sexy to silly, witchy. An improv if you like, and, sure, a tune or two. Accents and dialects: from fortunetellers to grand dames, grannies to mountain folk; Yiddishe mamas, aristocrats. In short, a vocal kaleidoscope.
And by the way, I’m also an audiobook narrator, monologist, tale spinner, a Civil War researcher and author with five published books I couldn’t be prouder of as I write about and inhabit a long-ago world that has resonance in our own time. It helps that I have been a stage actor bringing that skill to all my voiceover work.
Booking me to uniquely bring your product to life will be a fusion of talent, much experience and skill.
Another vocation that is my great and lasting pride is teaching self-defense to a wide spectrum of challenged young people and adults whose lives and ongoing perils are of great importance to me. As former Jujitsu competitors, my daughter Jessica and I team teach in our program called Blocking the Punches. We are committed to helping our students … always.

My Mission
To create through my voice.
To give voice to power.
To summon and embody that power with all I physically possess to help others.
To forever LEARN and grow that power.
That is my mission, a life mission, a soul mission, the sum of me.

Contact Me
Jane Singer | Voiceover Artist